Science is my most difficult class. The main reason is because I have a hard time trying to remember the scientific names for things that we had to learn. Since it's so long, I'm not used to using long words like that. Especially if it's for something that already has a name. 
       Throughout the last two quarters, my main struggles have to be in the cells unit. Sure, there were plenty of fun experiments and activities we did, like the edible cell project, however, it was the tests and the quizzes and myself that made it hard for me. I blame myself because I didn't properly use the study guides we were given. All I did was just look at it, read a couple of words, and then put it away. This year will be different, however, because I will try to make up for my bad grades. Anyway, there were many names and definitions. We even had to figure out who found cells! The tests questions were hard too. About 2 of my notebooks weren't complete, which led it to a "C." 
        This quarter, I will make up for all my mistakes and study properly. I won't try to mess up this time, or use any shortcuts, because that's what led me to my downfall. This year is going to be different.

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