The reason why we cans see things is because our eyes attract light, and the light goes through our eyes. The light reflects the things that we see, and to see how it works, we're going to talk about it. For starters, the cornea bends and focuses the different lights that hits your eyes, so that they can pass through the pupil. Next, the light hits the lens of your eye, which makes a perfect upside-down image at the back of your eyeball, where the retina is. Then the retina sends the image to the brain through the optic nerve, and then the brain interprets the information and forms the image in your head.

I think that our eye is one of the most important things that belong to our body. It helps us see where we're going, and helps guide us. Even though sometimes light can be too bright when looking at it directly, it still helps us see, and I am very thankful for that. 
Yesterday, we went to the Fresno Chaffee Zoo to see our animals. My animal, the Lady Ross's Turaco, is a bird that originally came from Africa. We found our animal in the African Aviary near the flamingos. 

What surprised me was that its eyes were really large, I mean, it looked large in the pictures, but when you see something in real life, it takes up a whole new perspective. Mostly because it's actually alive, and it doesn't just stay still like the pictures do. I didn't really learn anything new about it either, because there were no plaque or an information table there about the Ross's Turaco. It only showed what was in the exhibit, but luckily, I had plenty of research to know what's going on. At the African Aviary, I saw that the Lady Ross's Turaco liked to jump from branch to branch, instead of flying. I thought it was really cool, and funny, since it was so small.
However, I couldn't actually compare it to the real Turaco with my research papers, because the bird didn't really show me what its adaptations were, or what they ate. 

In conclusion, I was able to see the Lady Ross's Turaco in person, and I really enjoyed it. However, the Turaco didn't do many activities. It wasn't as active as I thought it would be. That doesn't mean that I didn't like the animal however. I'm glad I got the Lady Ross's Turaco, and I wonder if another student next year will lime
What exactly makes a rainbow? Well, for starters, you need light. That is the  main ingredient of making a rainbow. Then you'll have to have a little water. I'm talking about the mini rainbows by the way, not those big ones across the sky. Although I'm pretty sure that they both use the same things. Anyway, rainbow making is super easy.

Since you now have your main things, you're going to have to figure out how to make the rainbow actually appear. Instead of a sprinkler rainbow, I'm going to tell you how to make a rainbow with a glass prism. So first off, get the glass prism, and go into a sunny spot where you feel like you can get a lot of light. Then get a clear, plastic cup and fill it with water. Place it on the ground in the middle of the sunny spot. Next, get your glass prism and maneuver your prism until you can see a faint rainbow in the shadow of the plastic cup. You will see that there are the seven colors of light. Now you accomplished your rainbow making!
So this time, we are going to use resources on why the sky is blue. As you've seen in my previous blog, my reasons were because of either absorption, reflection, or scattering. The answer was scattering. The sky is blue because the light scatters. Not just any light, it has to be blue light. The sky absorbs  the blue light wavelengths, and as they reach the top, they scatter around the sky. The blue colors of the sky are then reflected on the ocean, or the other way around. 

My resource was my science text book. It helped me mostly with the progress of why the sky was blue. It also helps me on other stuff, like tests, but that's another topic for later. In conclusion, the sky is blue because of it reflects the blue light and it scatters that light throughout the surface.

For the Zoo Project, Michelle, Danyeal, and I were assigned to do the Lady Ross Turaco, which is a type of bird. I had find out how the Turaco adapted to it's habitat. 

According to the resources I used, Lady Ross Turacos prefer to live in high trees, mainly canopies. They gather twigs to make their own nests. Also, they are extremely territorial, and will try to scare away other birds to warn them to get away from their nest. The only predators they have are blue monkeys or other animals that raid their nests. Lady Ross Turaco eat fruit, vegetables, and occasionally bugs. An interesting fact is that they disperse seeds, which came from the fruit they were eating. It's a bit gross, but it's just a way of their life. 

Since the Lady Ross's Turaco wasn't really a known bird, there weren't many resources I could use for this. However, it gave me information that I needed to know for our project, and as long as we have even a 
In my opinion, the greatest scientific history was when Charles Darwin discovered about evolution. Mostly because I was interested in animals, and during his process, he learned and observed the animals on their behavior, looks, and differences.

For example, when Charles Darwin went to Rio, he found out that the finches were a lot different than the ones he had experienced back at his home. I remember when one of the worksheets said that Charles noticed how the finches in Rio had longer beaks, and ate different food than the finches back where he lived. He took notes, and also took some evidence.

Then, after he traveled the world and collected many things, he went to his science laboratory, and then tested out his newly collected specimens. He made theories and ideas about how animals in nature work, which eventually led us to know how evolution progressed. I think that this is a very special science history moment, because if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have known which animals were
I have many different ideas of about why the sky is blue. Most of it is what I remember. The sky is blue, because blue wavelengths scatter throughout the sky, making what we see, blue. It could also be because the wavelengths reflect the water's color (blue), and that's what we see. Another idea can be because the the sky absorbs all the colors, except blue, which reflects from the sky to our eyes. 

Now I'm not sure if either of these ideas are correct, but I can see how it could work. From what I've learned in Science class, we used a tool that could help us see the light that is absorbed. It's shaped like a slightly slanted right triangle, except the top pointy side is flat. In that flat side, there is a whole with a piece of plastic covering it. If you peek through the whole, then you can see a wide range of the absorbed colors in the object. So what if you look at the blue sky, and see what colors were absorbed? Will there be more colors, or will it just be blank? Now there's a question for you to answer. 
Many people or students that study science today wonder why there are fossils in Antarctica. I also wondered the same, until Mrs. Poole explained how and why. When you hear "fossils in Antarctica," it sounds strange and weird, because most people think, "Antarctica? Pfft, there's nothing over there, it's just a huge hunk of ice!" However, that's not how it looked like in the beginning.

In the beginning, Antarctica was a bare land, like any other continent in the past. Dinosaurs and other past animals ruled over it, and it was definitely many degrees warmer than Antarctica is today. So when the catastrophic event happened, it affected Antarctica, which made everything extinct. As time slowly passed, new animals came along, and so did the Ice Age. In my opinion, I think that the Ice Age was the cause of why Antarctica is like today. 

In conclusion, fossils are found in Antarctica, because the climate was a lot warmer, and there was no snow on Antarctica yet. 
Charles Darwin was a scientist who had a theory and discovered natural selection and evolution. He traveled the whole world, and had a journal with him, taking notes about what are different or peculiar. However, this didn't mean that he did all this alone. He learned from other scientists, and mixed those with his theories and predictions. A scientist helped Charles Darwin understand that evolution went very slowly. He learned that over generations or decades, evolution has developed little by little. This could be affected by environment, or changes in the earth that the species lives in.

Charles Darwin didn't discover natural selection by himself. He had much to learn from when he first started this discovery. To me, it's mostly a shame of how most people don't note that other scientists helped Charles Darwin. They just thought that he did it by himself, even though it was completely different. Sure, he inspected and created his collection, but did he know what they were gonna be used for? Yes, he did. But did he know where to start? That leads to the extra help from the other scientists.
The Grand Canyon demonstrates crosscutting and superposition because of the way it's rocks is shaped. It can be due to weather effects like erosions or something else. 
Crosscutting and superposition affect the Grand Canyon because everyone should know that the Grand Canyon didn't naturally look like it was now back then. Back then, it must've been solid ground like every other mountain or canyon. However, as time pasts on, crosscutting and superposition has started its effect little by little. It also messes up the rock layers. Superposition only works if the rock layers are not bothered, however, if the layers are bothered in different ways, like folding, then superposition would definitely not work.