So, all of us should know what negative numbers are. However, if you don't know what they are, negative numbers are the opposite of positive numbers. They also come from the other side of zero, and they go down lower and lower. By that, I meant that as the number gets bigger, the quality or value gets lower. -1 would be the greatest amount, and -100 would be the smallest amount. 

How would we use negatives in real life? Well, for zooming in and out with a camera or a microscope could help. Also, I heard that it helps the spacing with typography. It could basically help measure the distance of something, or some sort like that. However, it doesn't help ALL distances. Negative numbers could mostly help with math or measuring. For measuring, I would usually think of using negative numbers for the weather or something. For an example, imagine a scientist measuring the ocean. "It is about -45 degrees," he would say. Negatives can help with the temperature, besides math. You would be surprised at how many math related things are being use

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