As I watched my uncle on his mattress, he was coughing and wheezing. Yesterday, he called me for a very important reason. He told me I had to answer the pope's call. In simple terms, I had to join in the army. 
        Many people would disapprove of this, almost all of them being bothered that I'm a girl. Girls have no rights for anything these days. However, this time we're going to break the boundaries of women and rights. After many hours of thinking and deciding, I decided to join the war. Not just to protect the land, but to also prove to people who powerful women can be. 
         As I make my way through the crowd to buy herbs for my uncle, I saw the church that the pope was in. I hesitated, but walked through to the church. I smoothed my hair and clothes, since it was expected that a noble lady should always be presentable, I walked through the church. The inside of the church was huge comparing to what it looks like on the outside. It had illuminating lights, and a big statue of a cross in the front of the room. I quietly stepped inside, to avoid disturbing the peace and silence. No one was there, it was all empty. As I stepped, I heard a splat. Blood. I realized that everyone was killed. I looked around in horror. Then I closed my eyes.

I must've been foolish to say this, but, I decided. I WILL join the army.

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