My new year's resolution is to be a better student and mature better. The reason is because lately, all the things that I've done have gone downhill. I don't sleep on time anymore, or I've been too childish. I'm almost turning 13, which means that I'm done with my childhood days, and now I have to level up.
      To be a better student, I have to do three things: Listen, work and try. In the past, I haven't tried anything. All I did was use shortcuts, like going ahead so I won't have homework the next day, or using the calculator, but I guess that's one of the reasons why I'm failing. In CORE on my SVGs, I always went ahead, because I dreaded having homework. However, now I know to stop that, because that homework is for review, and it could help you get good scores on the tests. Also, in my Pre-Algebra homework, most of the problems are too hard. I didn't want to waste my time on one problem, so I used the calculator, but instead I should've skipped the problems, and then when I'm done doing the ones I know, I go back to it to finish the homework. 
      To being mature, I decided to stop fussing over the little things, no matter how hard it is. I need to stop arguing or talking back to my parents, and just go along with what they say. Whether I don't want to do the chores or not, I have to do them no matter what. I also need to sleep on time so I get the appropriate hours of sleep, so I won't be tired all the time. 
     Sticking to New Year's resolutions are hard, but they can be really rewarding in the end. If you just give up because you forgot about it or it's too hard, then write it on a piece of paper, and the reasons why you want to do those resolutions. That way, you'll be inspired more to keep on doing it, and you will be rewarded in the end.

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