I think the hardest pillar of Islam is the one that stands for fasting. The reason is because most people can not live without food or water, and it would be a bit more difficult if you have to wait till sundown to eat. I'm surprised that the Muslims have endured the hard points, and still manage to follow their religion and go on with their everyday lives. 
        Another pillar that I think is the hardest is traveling to Mecca. Reasons are because Mecca is very far away, and I doubt that it's easy to get to. They say that every Muslim should travel to Mecca atleast once in their lives, but what if they can't? Would they get kicked out of the Muslim community? There are many reasons why they possibly can't go naturally.What if they don't have enough money? Would they really force themselves and possibly risk their lives to drive or even walk all the way to Mecca and still believe in Islam? I am not trying to insult the Muslims, but I'm just pointing out the possibilities of incidents that could occur during these religious beliefs. 

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