I have many different ideas of about why the sky is blue. Most of it is what I remember. The sky is blue, because blue wavelengths scatter throughout the sky, making what we see, blue. It could also be because the wavelengths reflect the water's color (blue), and that's what we see. Another idea can be because the the sky absorbs all the colors, except blue, which reflects from the sky to our eyes. 

Now I'm not sure if either of these ideas are correct, but I can see how it could work. From what I've learned in Science class, we used a tool that could help us see the light that is absorbed. It's shaped like a slightly slanted right triangle, except the top pointy side is flat. In that flat side, there is a whole with a piece of plastic covering it. If you peek through the whole, then you can see a wide range of the absorbed colors in the object. So what if you look at the blue sky, and see what colors were absorbed? Will there be more colors, or will it just be blank? Now there's a question for you to answer. 

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