YES!! CST IS FINALLY OVER! I don't have to stay 5 hours in a stuffy room anymore! No more worries, just living carefree.. or so I thought. Mrs. Poole is having a big test today on a new chapter, and so far, everyone is saying that it is SUPER hard! I didn't even have enough time to study, because of all the CST tests and everything. Also, when I get home, I am magically pulled into doing chores which leads me to only study for 12 minutes in the late night, being 9:30 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. 

The only time when I actually got to study was at break and lunch. Of course, that didn't do much help since break was only 10 minutes and lunch was only 30 minutes, but I thought that was better than nothing. I just want this test to be over and done with, and hopefully I get a good score on the test because I do not want to af

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